To further our mission of helping students prepare for college and career success, we accept advertising and sponsorship under strict guidelines. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the company. 

The following guidelines govern various aspects of advertising within the network of websites.

  • has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy and all other issues associated with advertising and promotion on the Sites. may change this policy at any time at its sole discretion by posting a revised policy.
  • has sole discretion for determining the types of advertising and promotion that will be accepted and displayed on the Sites. The presence of an ad on our Sites or in e-mail communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company or product. is not responsible for the content or accuracy of third-party advertisements.
  • will not accept advertising that, in our sole opinion, is not in good taste. We will not permit the placement of
  1. Advertising for illegal or objectionable products or services,
  2. advertising that is offensive to any individual or group of individuals based on age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap.
  3. Advertising will not be accepted if it promotes any of the following: alcohol, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, gambling, pornography, tobacco, or the simulation of news or an emergency.
  4. prefers to work with advertisers who share our mission of helping students, schools, and families achieve their educational goals and who provide education-seeking families a broad array of choices for the future.
  5. recognizes and maintains a separation between advertising content and editorial and decision-making content. Advertising content on the Sites is clearly labeled as such. Sponsored areas are also labeled, and the sponsoring organizations are identified.
  6. retains the exclusive right to determine the way in which any and all search results for specific information by keyword or topic are displayed on the Sites. We may display search results based on monetary incentives provided by advertisers.
  7. Site may identify users by login, cookies, or other Web identifiers. When applicable, pages, advertisements, and other content may be customized to provide content of interest.
  8. reserves the right to reject, cancel, or remove any advertising from our Sites for any reason at any time. We will provide reasonable notice to the advertiser upon rejection, cancellation, or removal of any advertising.
  9. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to comply with all applicable domestic laws and regulation of Government of Nepal. If becomes aware of any breach or potential breach of any applicable law or regulation, or of this Policy, we may remove the advertising.
  10. No advertising shall be permitted that may injure the good name or reputation of or its family of brands.